Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Random firsts

Big things like holidays and little things like going to the beach become a whole new ball game when there's a little person in your life. I've read and heard time and time again that these things become new to you again because it's new to them. It's a bigger brighter picture. :) 

Things I can't wait for: 
  • His first ball game. Whether it be baseball or football, whether he's just watching it or playing it, the little boy joy will be there because let's face it - little boys + sports = love
  • Christmas, he was only 3 months old at his first Christmas. It's going to be so much more fun when he knows what an awesome holiday this is.
  • His first wrestling match. Daddy already watches it with him so it's pretty much fated that once he's old enough he'll be rocking his favorite wrestlers gear.
  • Halloween, he was barely over a month old at his first Halloween so when he can finally go trick or treating? Oh yea! Candy here we come! Plus I love Halloween, with the decorations and the dressing up in awesome costumes. My mom used to take us kids on a big family outing with our aunts and cousins to Salem, Ma. We'd get all dressed up and walk around, have lunch, the adults would have a few nips ;)...There's no better place to be around Halloween lemme tell ya!
  • His first 4th of July, We usually watch the fireworks from a distance down here so hopefully they won't scare him. My family however have a front row seat up north, after a huge bbq with family & friends. Then we'd sit back and watch the traffic go by since there's usually a festival right down the street with live music and such. Good times.
  • His first trip to DisneyWorld! We live 8 hours away but once he's walking...look out Mickey here we come!  
  • SeaWorld: turtles, petting dolphins, flamingos, and oh yea, Shamu :)
  • He first train ride. Alas, there are no trains this far south (Miami and points north) so it'll be exciting for him, especially when he knows what trains are.
I'm sure there are many many more I can't think of right now but just as he'll be excited, I will be too <3

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